Does the Lottery Target Low-Income Residents?

The NGISC report does not present any evidence that the lottery specifically targets low-income residents. This would be politically and economically unsound to market to low-income populations, particularly as people usually buy their tickets outside the neighborhoods where they live. Higher-income residents often pass through areas associated with low-income residents on their way to work and shopping. Moreover, these areas have fewer gas stations, stores, and lottery outlets than other areas.

Lottery advertising

Many states are experimenting with new ways to advertise their lottery products. In Maryland, for example, officials proposed that they study the games that attract first-time players and develop more sophisticated market segmentation strategies. Some have even implemented strategies that emphasize the life-changing potential of a jackpot prize.

Lottery games

Lottery games are games that offer players an opportunity to win big prizes. These games are organized and operated by a lottery, which is a governmental or quasi-government organization or corporation that is licensed by the state government. The concept of lottery games is simple: everyone has the same chance of winning a prize, which is often a large sum of money. Players place their bets by buying tickets.

Lottery sales

The New Jersey Lottery’s fiscal year 2020 sales have dropped by 1.3% from last year, and the lottery’s overall contribution to the state is down by $50 million. Nevertheless, the director of the lottery, James Carey, called the year an “exceptionally well-done effort.” Sales increased by 15% in fiscal 2021 and 8% in 2020, according to his report.

Lottery jackpots

Super-sized lottery jackpots drive lottery sales and gain free publicity on news sites and broadcasts. They also increase stakes and public interest, all of which help maintain the size of lottery jackpots.

Lottery players

Three regional lotteries sell on average about $6 million in tickets each day. But their sales dropped last year. Officials say they’re not targeting low-income customers but acknowledge the need to retain their base of heavy players. At the same time, they’re working to attract a younger, more upscale demographic.

Lottery prizes

There are many different ways to win lottery prizes. Prizes can be a fixed sum of cash or goods or a percentage of the total receipts. Many recent lotteries allow purchasers to choose their own numbers, which can create multiple winners.